Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sharing Web Resources: Week 4

If you have been reading this blog, you know the website I selected for sharing is the

I have been delighted to read their section for  families today containing several articles by Dr. Brazelton.

I loved the article called The Power of Play because it gives parents the reason why play is so important for development! This is a great resource to give parents who might be questioning DAP or child-centered education. I also liked the article of temper tantrums... helpful for personal reasons.

Below is a video of Dr. T. Brazelton about teachable moments.

Here is a link to a video on information about Touchpoints- Great info!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Poverty & International Contacts

Dear readers,

This week I reached out to my international contacts regarding poverty and children in their countries… 

My contacts

Franchesca Ventura- From El Salvador- Has promised to send me more information on poverty and children from El Salvador.

Wanda M.-  From Germany—Has not replied to my email yet.

Deepa Joseph—United Arab Emirates— is unable to help me with this topic as UAE seems to be a wealthy nation with little to no poverty. According to Deepa, “In UAE, the population consists of the locals (who are well supported by the government) and the expatriates (citizen of another country employed here). Only with a job that meets the finacial critiria to sponsor family, expatraites will be able to have their family here with them” (D. Joseph, personal communication, May 16, 2012).

Therefore I researched online sources websites and obtained a few statistics...

El Salvador
United Arab Emirates
United States
Literacy rate

GPD per capita
Life expectancy at birth (years)
Population below poverty line %
19.5% (2003)*
*Statistic not updated. UAE financial growth indicates less poverty (

Both Germany and UAE are rich countries with low unemployment rate, and low poverty. UAE’s government is focused on providing an advance welfare system to serve its people, investing in education and healthcare ( I am sure this could be a reason why my international contacts have been unable to provide me with relevant information. I will update this blog once Franchesca, from El Salvador, emails me more information.

I was also surprised that El Salvador has lower unemployment rate than the US, yet it has a higher poverty rate and lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP)... An estimate of resources per person.  

Until next update,


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

The resource I chose last week is The National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) website at I chose this website based on my prior experience reading articles from their scholarly publication Young Children. Browsing through the wealth of resources available I found several important documents and resources.

Here is a little background information:

“Founded in 1926, The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is the world’s largest organization working on behalf of young children with nearly 80,000 members, a national network of more than 300 state and local Affiliates, and a growing global alliance of like-minded organizations” (

Their motto is “Promoting excellence in early childhood education”

The organization works through membership supporting the work and development of the profession. They support the field via publications like Teaching Young Children, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, and Voices of Practitioners: Teacher Research in Early Childhood Education. They also organize yearly conferences and meetings for professional development. The also support the field through advocacy by being government’s advisors regarding public policy in early childhood education.  Lastly, they are the accreditation authority of program quality (

To find more information about NAEYC click here.

NAEYC's website provides many resources including access to their official position statements on topics like Developmental Appropriate Practices and School Readiness. Click here to be directed to these documents

Last night, I finally joined NAEYC as a student member. It was a simple process, and the student fee was very reasonable ($40). Joining gave me access to content such as their E-newsletter and other electronic versions of their publications. Browsing through these new resources I came across an article entitled “Using skilled dialogue to transform challenging interactions” by Isaura Barrera and Lucinda Kramer—only available via the E-newsletter. This article alone was worth my subscription fee! I was up late reading on how to communicate effectively to overcome diversity and cultural differences in EC education programs. I really encourage ANY professional regardless of their profession to brush up on their communication skills. Barrera and Kramer make communication appear to be a challenge we can all overcome. Read it, I guarantee it will revolutionize your work!

Click here for more on NAEYC membership.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Adventures in E-networking!

New class First week! I’m excited about Issues and Trends…  I like the idea of learning to appreciate and evaluate the changing world of ECE with new skills!

This week we were on search of global contacts. And what a search this was! I mean where do you start looking for like-minded EC professionals?

I started with the list of contacts from the NAEYC Global initiative… This was not too useful. I sent a bunch of emails that were undeliverable…

Then I moved to social networking. Facebook! I am part of a few international groups, and I even joined a few groups like the Canadian Child Care Federation. I sent a few private messages and posted to reach out…
So far no one has contacted me back via FB.

Lastly, I reached out to Walden students from previous classes. Voila! I am in touch with two great folks from United Arab States and Germany!!! I LOVE Walden.

Part 2- The resources
The website I selected is the page. I am new to the EC field, but I have learned so much about it through NAEYC resources like their YC publication.
I subscribed to their E-newsletter and I look forward continuing to visit the NAEYC website.
By the way did you know May 1st is Worthy Wage Day?

Until next week…